Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Double Standard. (mindless rant)

He stays out til the wee hours of the morning, without my parents having a clue of his whereabouts.
I call every couple of hours to let them know exactly where I am and what I'm doing, and I still have an early curfew.

He has a massive group of female friends that my mother is very aware of.
They see me LOOKING at a guy, and they call me a slut.

He can decide to not follow through with his promises, and the 'rents won't care.
I FORGET to do something, and they never let me hear the end of it.

He can get away with murder.
And I have to be home by 10pm.

He's my brother...
and I'm the sister.

Not to mention the fact that I also come from a moderate Muslim family who has attempted to raise my siblings and I in the *muslim* way, while living in a Western society. Newsflash: THAT DOES NOT WORK.
As immigrants, and as a minority, we should realize that our culture is completely dominated by the western one.
You can't tell me that I can't date, when I am surrounded by the dating scene.
You can't expect me to not drink, when I am constantly invited to parties.
You can't tell me that a muslim girl must not have an overly-active social life, when people here usually spend their spare time OUTSIDE of the home.
You can't use "What will others think of you?" as a reason for me NOT doing something, when it's the majority here who encourages it.
You can't let my brothers do whatever the hell they want without even giving it a second thought, and immediately hound me when I ask to do something.
You can't expect me to still have respect for you when you look me dead in the eye and tell me you don't trust what I'm doing behind your back.

It's when you started accusing me of doing drugs, that I started smoking weed.
It's when you accused me of having vodka in my cup instead of water, that I started drinking.
It's when you started questioning my motives, that I started lying about where I was going.
It's when you told me I was a lost cause that I strayed from this bullshit of a religion.

You can't give my 22-year-old brother money for gas, and then turn to my 18-year-old self and tell me to get a job. You will bend over backwards for my brothers, you will go through hell and back to ensure they have a simple life. And when I needed help to pay tuition for the education that I am getting FOR YOU, you turned around and spent $20,000 on a new kitchen. You saw me kill myself for two months, working 7 days a week, and what did you do?
You commented on the dark circles under my eyes, and advised that I should invest in some cover-up.

You sat there and did nothing while my brother and father disowned me for shedding the hijab. You did NOTHING.
You think that us, the minorities, are better than "them". The majority. The Canadians. The ones who don't disown their family members for any reason, big or small. You insis that your morals are stronger than theirs, that they are all scoundrels who are disowned by their parents at 18, get pregnant outside of wedlock, and make nothing of their lives.
Here's a little slap of reality, ma. You know what they have, that we don't?
Their families have structures. Foundations. Strength. Their siblings and parents don't disown them. They have this thing, they call it communication. Instead of disowning their sibling, they will TALK to them about what they did. Ever heard of that? Talking? Communicating? Of course not.
Everyone has their flaws. I'm not gonna say that "non-muslims are perfect". Just like not all arabs are terrorists. It's just that... we're a minority. This country got us away from hell. And you're just spitting on it. Get a grip.

There's many things I hate in life.
People who walk slow. Groups who take up the entire width of the hallway. Seafood. Sushi. That icky feeling you get in your mouth when you chew tin foil.
But there are very few things I absolutely can't stand.
People who lie to me.
People who insult my intelligence.
And double standards.

Either accept the culture that we've become immersed in, or fucking leave. It's that simple.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there!

    I really enjoyed reading that!

    What an excellent and very eloquent rant! I admire the fire in your belly and the very balance argument for standing your own ground and forging your own path in life (",)
