Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Long Overdue.

Can't believe I haven't updated this thing in almost two years! I've had a Xanga for a few years now that I keep hidden from the real world; it's the place where I can rant and rave and bitch and complain all I want without having to ever face my readers in real life. It's my punching bag, and I like to keep it as far away from people as I possibly can. I can count on one hand the number of friends who know about it, and I don't see that number increasing anytime soon. However, I eventually realized that some of my posts on Xanga weren't rants: they were purely opinion pieces that I can share with whomever I like, actual blog-worthy notes that could use some comments from the real word rather than strictly the virtual one. So, here I am.

A lot has changed since I've last been here. I think the only thing that has stayed the same is my education: I'm still studying translation, and although both my motivation and my passion have dwindled over the past three years, I'm still sticking to it, and (hopefully) next April, I'll be a university graduate. In other words, I'll officially be in debt.

It's difficult to condense the complexities of my thoughts into this one post. I'm also procrastinating on an assignment as we speak, and should be getting back to it sooner than later. I will, however, discuss what my next few posts will cover. This will not only give you an idea of what direction this blog will be taking, but it will also force me to actually regularly update this thing, since I've already made the outline.

One of the main things I want to talk about is self-discovery. I've done a lot of this in the past couple of years, even more so in the last 10 months or so, and I've never really had a chance to put it all down on paper in retrospect. This alone will probably require two or three separate entries.

Something else I've been meaning to put down on paper (screen? uhh..) is the idea of appreciation in life. I'd need a full post just to attempt to describe my reasoning behind this.

Until next time!!

-Rana <3